Play Therapy

So fun your child has no idea they’re in therapy!

Play therapy is another dynamic approach to talk therapy. Our therapists utilize games and toys as a method of communication, storytelling and connection to assess patterns and skills.

Sand tray therapy is one of our favorite methods of play therapy because of its ability to spark imagination. Our sand tray and figurines are inviting relatable, which allows your child a safe place to create and explore. With creative expression and storytelling, our therapists learn more about your child’s behaviors, feelings and experiences. By learning more about how a child plays, connects and creates the therapist is able to integrate goals, growth and change.

Common symptoms treated through play and sand tray therapy for children include anxiety, depression, trauma and PTSD, behavioral issues, social difficulties, grief and loss, emotional regulation challenges, ADHD symptoms, attachment issues, low self-esteem, difficulties with transitions or changes, and phobias or specific fears.

Jenna and Leann are our of leading play and sand tray therapists on the crew!